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Emergency Procedures

By: Michelle Hua

Emergency procedures are uncommon in most people’s daily lives. Because of that, not many people know the exact steps for certain procedures. Although a situation where emergency procedures are needed is rare, it is still better to be prepared.


When to use: When a person has no pulse and is not breathing frequently

Step 1: Begin chest compressions. Place one hand on top of the other in the middle of the person’s chest and push down hard. Use all your body weight in compressions. You should perform about 100 compressions per minute.

Step 2: Tilt the person’s head back to make sure their airway is clear. Pinch their nose shut and blow into their mouths. Their chest should rise with each breath. Do this twice before continuing compressions.

Step 3: Continue with chest compressions and rescue breaths until trained officials arrive.

Heimlich Maneuver: 

When to use: When a person is choking (Do not use on pregnant women or infants)

Step 1: Stand behind the person and hit them on the back 5 times with the heel of your hand.

Step 2: Make a fist and place it on the person’s navel, thumb side in. Place your other and on top of your fist and push inward and upward. Do this 5 times.

Step 3: Continue the cycle until the object is pushed out and the person can breathe without assistance.

Improvised Tourniquet: 

When to use: When a person is bleeding rapidly

Step 1: Find material that is about 1-1½ inches thick, preferably cloth or bandages. Tie the material above the wound. 

Step 2: Find an object that is stiff and unlikely to break, such as a thick stick or a broom handle. Push the object underneath the material and twist it as tightly as possible. This is a crucial step in tying a tourniquet.

Step 3: Use a key ring or hair tie to secure the object. Confirm that the bleeding has stopped. 

About Michelle Hua

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