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Synthetic Meat

By: Bryan

I’m sure I can speak for a lot of us when I say that I love meat. Bacon, steak, hamburger, hams, and others are all part of my diet, and I don’t know what I’d do without them. But the worldwide demand for meat is higher than before, and it only keeps increasing. This raises an important question: will the world be able to sustain everyone’s desire for meat?

This question is what drives the recent push for lab grown meat, or cultured meat. The process creates edible meat without ever having to raise, kill, and cut up animals. Farm animals take up a lot of room, require food and water, and release methane into the air. But cultured meat solves all of these problems. If you look at everything you need to make meat, and what it does to the environment, it totally makes sense to grow your own meat.

An oversimplified description of how cultured meat works is taking animal stem cells and feeding them until they grow big. Theoretically, under a constant supply food and perfect conditions, factories can grow up to 50,000 tons of meat from just 10 cells.

There are a lot of mixed feelings on this process, and some people think that it could never compare to “real meat.” But technically, the makeup of both of these meats are similar, and critics have stated that there is no difference in taste. Cultured meat could be the next thing that changes the world.

About Bryan Wu

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