Antonia Zhou
On June 17th 2018, HEARTS and Rising Star Magazine hosted their fourth International Cultural Exchange and Environmental Protection Awareness Conference Focusing on Teens. The speakers ranged from both American and Chinese high schoolers, to university professors and business owners. They spoke about a myriad of topics such as extracurriculars, science experiments, and college applications, just to name a few. The morning conference focused on the differences in daily life between American born Chinese high schoolers and native Chinese students. The afternoon conference centered around environmental issues, including varying types of pollution and its’ adverse effects on the world around us.
Furthermore, the high school speakers presented in both English and Chinese to be inclusive. This extra effort definitely helped with turnout, with more than two hundred people attending. Afterwards, audience members left the conference with valuable knowledge of the American education system and of pressing environmental concerns.
在六月2018年,心连心和 Rising Star 杂志举办了他们的第四场青少年国际文化交流和环境保护意识会议。会议上有美国和中国华裔高中学生,有大学教授,也有业主的讲者。讲者们讨论了各种各样的话题:有讲申请大学的,有讲课外活动的,也有讲科学实验的。早上的会议是分在了美国和中国少年的文化交流。下午的会议专注于了环境污染和它对世界和未来的影响。