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Creative Eco-Friendly Habits

by Sachi Bajaj

Sea levels rising. Coral reefs dying. Ozone layer depleting. Our environment is

crumbling, and if we are not quick to act, it will fall. Priscilla Chan, the wife of Facebook CEO

Mark Zuckerberg, asserts that we as the “current generation – have a moral responsibility to

make the world better for future generations.” While it is usually never said, it is often implied

the younger generation has no sway over what happens in our world. They’re too young people

say. However, you are never really too young to make a small change that can have an cascading

impact. Take these 6 examples on how you can get involved in saving the environment!


  1. Whenever you are planning to go to a party and are bringing a gift, make sure to wrap the

present with fabric, which can be decorated and be reused multiple times over.

  1. Plan to join a library to read books once the school season comes along, as opposed to

buying numerous books, which both helps you financially and could help reduce


  1. If you are a major chocolate fan, reduce waste by buying tasty chocolates from chocolate stores instead of grocery stores, which use more wrappers by individually packing each chocolate.
  2. Although all of us have to be in so many places at various different times, try to

remember to slow down when you’re driving. Going at faster speeds leads to a large

amounts of fuel used and is simply unsafe.

  1. Help the environment by recycling these phones so that these parts can be reused.Eventually, the sad truth is that all of our phones will stop working. Every year, more than 130 million cell phones are put out of use and contribute to waste due to their components, which contain poisonous materials like lead or mercury. Recycle to stop this problem!
  2. If you’re in the need of a room makeover, paint your walls a pale color; therefore, less

artificial light will be needed.

In the end, just remember to recycle and reuse as much as you can!


Works Cited

Lucy Siegle, 1-10-2009, “20 big green ideas,” Guardian,


Victoria Scanlan Stefanakos, “25 Easy Ways to Help Save the Planet,” Real Simple,



About Aimi Wen

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